February 27, 2023 /

Hike/ trek to Anjani Mahadev Mandir Manali February 2023

Hike/ trek to Anjani Mahadev Mandir Manali February 2023

Hey hello hello what is up everyone! It’s been a long umm no, actually it’s been ages since my last blog post here.

I really do apologize for being so irregular on my blog! I find it really hard to maintain everything together i.e. YouTube, Facebook, and then shoot for my blog and edit and post.

to be honest , there is more work than what I just mentioned in here, like making sure my post is optimized and SEO friendly, etc. so these steps are time consuming and I cannot manage that much time hence why I go MIA here on my blog.

Trekking to Anjani Mahadev Temple in Manali was an exhilarating and fulfilling experience. Trekking in the mountains around Manali offered us a chance to immerse in nature, witness stunning vistas, and enjoy the thrill of the journey. Here are some aspects of our trek to Anjani Mahadev Temple that we have enjoyed:

Scenic Beauty

The trek to Anjani Mahadev Temple took us through some breathtaking landscapes. As we ventured through the trails, we encountered lush green forests, meadows, and the majestic views of snow-capped mountains.

Solang Valley

The trek to Anjani Mahadev Temple typically starts from Solang Valley. This picturesque valley is known for its natural beauty and offers a great starting point for the trek.

Trekking Difficulty

The trek to Anjani Mahadev Temple is generally considered to be of moderate difficulty. It involves ascending trails, crossing streams, and navigating through uneven terrain. The trek offers a good balance of challenge and enjoyment, suitable for both beginners and experienced trekkers.

Spiritual Experience

The trek to Anjani Mahadev Temple has added a spiritual element to our journey. The serenity of the surroundings, coupled with the anticipation of reaching the temple, creates a sense of tranquility and reverence.




Overall, trekking to Anjani Mahadev Temple in Manali has been a memorable experience, blending adventure, natural beauty, and spirituality.



Winter Jacket : Here

Zara Leather boots : ZARA [Similar]

Jeans : Levis

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